Redsfest Just Days Away..

So in three days Redsfest begins.

A sort of snack chip to keep the cravings away…..

potato_chips.jpg This will be my first time going to Redsfest.  I was going to make it for both Friday and Saturday, but do to some scheduling issues it looks like Saturday is going to be my day. 

So for those of you that have went to your respective “fests” what should I be looking for and making sure I don’t miss? 

At the moment it seems like I’m going for the swag, the shopping, and some autographs.  Is there something more?  Do you have any stories of memorable baseball moments happening at the fest?

This year one of my personal goals is to get a feel for the layout so that I can work on organizing fans together for next year starting with the bloggers.  I’ve been talking about it alot over various medias about how the Reds need a fan facelift.  I’m not entirely sure if I’m the guy to get it done, but maybe I can start the search for that person.  Also while I’m there I will be working on getting my hat signed.  Each year I buy a new hat and jersey in hopes to find the lucky set that gets the Reds a winning season. (when I say winning, I mean +.500 season) that I’ll wear till either they have a losing season or a world series.  I started this tradition three years ago, and I usually got my autographs at the winter caravan.

At Redsfest I do see one thing of importance that may not rise to the occasion.  This is a scheduled time where we will be in the same room with Walt before the Winter Meetings in Indianapolis.  I’m sure he’s got his plan worked out on how he’d like the meetings to go, but something tells me that with enough will from the fans focusing their want in one direction we could get a point across to him that he would take seriously.  What should that point be?  Like all baseball teams the PR departments have done a great job of keeping us focused on certain things to keep our minds off of others. 


I’m interested in your opinions and ideas, and rest assured their will be tons of pictures and I’m sure an entry about my experience once I get back.  I’ll admit I’m tempering my expectations at the moment so that I don’t get let down, as I want this to be an amazing event that I talk about and love going to every year.

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